Oddling Ranch
Oddling Ranch is a short puzzle/strategy game about controlling the population of little fuzzy creatures called Oddlings.
Move them around and help them multply! Spread around joy, love and grumpiness!
- Mouse only.
- Click and drag to move Oddlings around.
- No gamepad support (for now).
- Restart a level with "R"
- Click on the Sound icon on the top left to increase or decrease the volume.
Dev commands: You may skip a Level with "Enter" or go back to a previous level with "Backspace".
- Theme: "It's spreading" in this game applies to the Oddling population and the emotions these creatures can transfer to one another. Its a game about how emotions are contagious.
Notes and Suggestions:
- Full-screen mode is only available in the Windows version.
- If the game window is too small for your screen, try zooming in a little bit and refreshing the page.
- If you are having trouble with a level but want to see what's ahead, don't hesitate on skipping that level, you can always go back to it later.
- If for some reason you can't control the game in the web version, try reloading the page!
Lastly, here are some lessons I learned while making this game:
- Make a good Game Design Document. (And make it digital if possible). I struggled a lot to keep myself organized during this Jam due to a lack of time and direction.
- Try you best to keep a clean and organized code base. I had to refactor my code multiple times due to inconsistent naming conventions and sloppy code.
- Keep your scope small. I couldn't add everything I wanted to the game (like controller support and color-blind mode) because I kept implementing systems that didn't even make the final build.
- Even if you have very little time, you can make something. This game took a total of around 15 hours to make spread over 2 weeks (Thats only 2 hours a day).
- And the most important thing I learned is that I love making games!
- Music and most of the audio by Kenney (https://kenney.nl/)
- Food sound by Jazzvoon (https://freesound.org/)
- Potion break sound by JohamDeecke (https://freesound.org/)
- Art by Kenney (https://kenney.nl/)
- Oddling sprites made with "Creature Mixer" by Kenney (https://kenney.itch.io/creature-mixer)
- Made wiwth GameMaker
Feel free to leave any and all thoughts or recommendations in the comments below, hope you enjoy the game and have fun!
*Sorry for any technical problems*
A patched version of the game has been uploaded. This new version fixes some bugs:
- You can now resize the game window in the downloadable version.
- Fixed an issue that made certain levels unwinnable.
Install instructions
For the Windows executable:
- Download the zip file, extract the files and click the executable :)
- If your antivirus/computer warns you about executing the game, just click on "More information" and "Execute anyway". I promise its not a virus, lol.
- Have fun!
You may also download the source code in the form of the GameMaker project.
Attached is also the Game Design Document available for download.
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